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Maintain compliance with ease and confidence.

Circle Regulatory and compliance icon

Business operators face a constant stream of time-sensitive tasks to maintain compliance, from updating key contracts and financials to carrying out regular audits, from keeping abreast of compliance standards, to protecting Health & Safety workflows. And managing these processes can become even more complex with multiple locations and business units. 

Discover our regulatory & compliance tools.

Our purpose-built tracker supports you to manage compliance across your business. Including logging and monitoring capabilities, this solution will ease the process in working towards complete business compliance with those regulatory requirements specific to your organisation. 

End-to-end audit trail of any workplace accidents and business incidents including initial reporting, evidence capture, standardised logging, monitoring, and reporting. 

An intuitive, secure, central, and instant tracking tool and data repository, giving the business visibility on the status of hazards, risks and positive safety behaviours identified during on-site safety walks of  buildings, healthcare facilities, warehouses, and more. 

Regulations & Compliance and Safety, Heath, Environment, & Quality (SHEQ) task management for the entire business, including partners and contractors in one easy overview. 

Our process tracking and monitoring solution designed to enable organisations to visualise the status of multiple concurrent processes in one easy-to-use dashboard. This Power BI based solution allows for real-time tracking of process volumes and errors, allowing for proactive action to resolve bottlenecks and process issues. 

Customisable to your business.

Cielo Costa’s flexible, customisable regulatory and compliance tracker solutions integrate manual and digital processes for streamlined, transparent experiences. Easy-to-use interfaces for compliance tracking, health and safety management, and accident reporting means your employees can manage and report on issues with ease.  Organise items in various views or customise alerts and notifications to fit your timelines, ensuring efficient and effective management of all your operational needs. 

Feature rich Regulatory and Compliance experience from the start.

Kick off with a high-level compliance health check of your business to ensure you prioritise the best business solutions for your needs. 

Manage, track, publish, and update all critical risk factors across the business. 

Standardised, consistent, and monitored auditing across your business & customers.

Ensure all RIDDOR compliance is consistently in place and escalated when required. 

Logging, monitoring, and reporting through safety walks and incident reporting, with audit trail.

Customised, real-time reports on incidents and accidents, covering frequency, circumstances, involved parties, legal proceedings, claims, and more for comprehensive assessment and reporting across the business.

Centralised management of business contracts & licence renewals, including tasks, actions, and deadlines. 

Compliance task management for your business, partners, and contractors – in one simple overview. 

Ensuring complete business adherence to all regulatory requirements, including Health & Safety and Incident Management for insurance purposes.

Register and manage incidents at all levels, from on-site teams to central operations, ensuring no event goes unreported.


Ready to connect?

Whether you have a burning technical question you want to ask, or you want to find out more about how Cielo Costa can help your business, we would love to hear from you.  

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